My Data Jungle - Economic and Social Indicators

Aquaculture production   1960 - 2018

Description Aquaculture is understood to mean the farming of aquatic organisms including fish, molluscs, crustaceans and aquatic plants. Aquaculture production specifically refers to output from aquaculture activities, which are designated for final harvest for consumption. Metric tons.
Unit of measure Absolute number
  United States
1960 104,421
1961 102,547
1962 109,961
1963 122,697
1964 123,884
1965 132,578
1966 114,236
1967 127,299
1968 131,115
1969 116,768
1970 168,681
1971 165,590
1972 173,630
1973 170,320
1974 167,039
1975 218,459
1976 183,907
1977 174,310
1978 158,795
1979 138,990
1980 168,365
1981 230,111
1982 261,725
1983 268,483
1984 326,453
1985 323,573
1986 372,191
1987 383,259
1988 357,657
1989 369,252
1990 315,727
1991 363,083
1992 413,844
1993 416,913
1994 391,412
1995 413,454
1996 393,346
1997 438,356
1998 445,119
1999 479,212
2000 456,830
2001 480,362
2002 498,899
2003 545,971
2004 607,570
2005 513,920
2006 519,967
2007 526,045
2008 501,326
2009 481,224
2010 496,699
2011 397,292
2012 420,386
2013 429,011
2014 421,189
2015 426,015
2016 444,698
2017 439,703
2018 471,311

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