My Data Jungle - Economic and Social Indicators

Global ranking - Mortality from CVD, cancer, diabetes or CRD between exact ages 30 and 70   2019

Description Mortality from CVD, cancer, diabetes or CRD is the percent of 30-year-old-people who would die before their 70th birthday from any of cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, or chronic respiratory disease, assuming that s/he would experience current mortality rates at every age and s/he would not die from any other cause of death (e.g., injuries or HIV/AIDS).
Unit of measure %
Aggregate operator Average
Central African Republic 36.0
Afghanistan 35.3
Mongolia 35.0
Haiti 31.3
Mozambique 30.6
Somalia 30.4
Pakistan 29.4
Zimbabwe 28.4
Tajikistan 28.3

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