My Data Jungle - Economic and Social Indicators

Poverty headcount ratio at $ 6.85 a day   1991 - 2016

Description Poverty headcount ratio at $6.85 a day is the percentage of the population living on less than $6.85 a day at 2017 international prices.
Unit of measure %
1991 0.2
1992 0.2
1993 0.2
1994 0.7
1995 0.5
1996 0.2
1997 0.2
1998 0.2
1999 0.2
2000 0.2
2001 0.2
2002 0.2
2003 0.5
2004 0.2
2005 0.2
2006 0.2
2007 0.2
2008 0.2
2009 0.2
2010 0.2
2011 0.2
2012 0.2
2013 0.2
2014 0.2
2015 0.2
2016 0.5

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