My Data Jungle - Economic and Social Indicators

Passengers carried   1974 - 2020

Description Air passengers carried include both domestic and international aircraft passengers of air carriers registered in the country.
Unit of measure Absolute number
1974 710,000
1975 1,000,000
1976 1,050,000
1977 1,110,000
1978 1,540,000
1979 2,519,000
1980 2,568,000
1981 3,236,000
1982 3,942,000
1983 3,836,000
1984 5,000,000
1985 7,300,000
1986 10,000,000
1987 12,500,000
1988 17,000,000
1989 11,080,000
1990 16,596,100
1991 19,520,000
1992 27,345,000
1993 31,312,500
1994 37,601,000
1995 47,564,500
1996 51,770,100
1997 52,277,000
1998 53,234,000
1999 55,853,100
2000 61,891,807
2001 72,660,653
2002 83,671,798
2003 86,040,642
2004 119,789,024
2005 136,721,623
2006 158,013,351
2007 183,613,132
2008 191,001,220
2009 229,062,099
2010 266,293,020
2011 292,160,158
2012 318,475,924
2013 352,795,296
2014 390,878,784
2015 436,183,969
2016 487,960,477
2017 551,234,509
2018 611,439,830
2019 659,629,070
2020 417,255,845

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