My Data Jungle - Economic and Social Indicators

Population   1960 - 2023

Description Total population is based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship. The values shown are midyear estimates.
Unit of measure Absolute number (Millions)
1960 667.1
1961 660.3
1962 665.8
1963 682.3
1964 698.4
1965 715.2
1966 735.4
1967 754.6
1968 774.5
1969 796.0
1970 818.3
1971 841.1
1972 862.0
1973 881.9
1974 900.4
1975 916.4
1976 930.7
1977 943.5
1978 956.2
1979 969.0
1980 981.2
1981 993.9
1982 1,008.6
1983 1,023.3
1984 1,036.8
1985 1,051.0
1986 1,066.8
1987 1,084.0
1988 1,101.6
1989 1,118.7
1990 1,135.2
1991 1,150.8
1992 1,165.0
1993 1,178.4
1994 1,191.8
1995 1,204.9
1996 1,217.6
1997 1,230.1
1998 1,241.9
1999 1,252.7
2000 1,262.6
2001 1,271.9
2002 1,280.4
2003 1,288.4
2004 1,296.1
2005 1,303.7
2006 1,311.0
2007 1,317.9
2008 1,324.7
2009 1,331.3
2010 1,337.7
2011 1,345.0
2012 1,354.2
2013 1,363.2
2014 1,371.9
2015 1,379.9
2016 1,387.8
2017 1,396.2
2018 1,402.8
2019 1,407.7
2020 1,411.1
2021 1,412.4
2022 1,412.2
2023 1,410.7

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