My Data Jungle - Economic and Social Indicators

Population   1960 - 2023

Description Total population is based on the de facto definition of population, which counts all residents regardless of legal status or citizenship. The values shown are midyear estimates.
Unit of measure Absolute number (Millions)
  United States
1960 180.7
1961 183.7
1962 186.5
1963 189.2
1964 191.9
1965 194.3
1966 196.6
1967 198.7
1968 200.7
1969 202.7
1970 205.1
1971 207.7
1972 209.9
1973 211.9
1974 213.9
1975 216.0
1976 218.0
1977 220.2
1978 222.6
1979 225.1
1980 227.2
1981 229.5
1982 231.7
1983 233.8
1984 235.8
1985 237.9
1986 240.1
1987 242.3
1988 244.5
1989 246.8
1990 249.6
1991 253.0
1992 256.5
1993 259.9
1994 263.1
1995 266.3
1996 269.4
1997 272.7
1998 275.9
1999 279.0
2000 282.2
2001 285.0
2002 287.6
2003 290.1
2004 292.8
2005 295.5
2006 298.4
2007 301.2
2008 304.1
2009 306.8
2010 309.3
2011 311.6
2012 313.9
2013 316.1
2014 318.4
2015 320.7
2016 323.1
2017 325.1
2018 326.8
2019 328.3
2020 331.5
2021 332.0
2022 333.3
2023 334.9

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