My Data Jungle - Economic and Social Indicators

Birth rate   1960 - 2019

Description It indicates the number of live births occurring during the year, per 1,000 population estimated at midyear. Subtracting the crude death rate from the crude birth rate provides the rate of natural increase, which is equal to the rate of population change in the absence of migration.
Unit of measure Absolute number
1960 17.3
1961 17.9
1962 17.8
1963 18.1
1964 18.0
1965 17.4
1966 17.2
1967 16.5
1968 15.7
1969 14.7
1970 13.4
1971 12.9
1972 11.5
1973 10.3
1974 10.2
1975 9.9
1976 10.2
1977 10.3
1978 10.4
1979 10.5
1980 11.1
1981 11.0
1982 11.0
1983 10.6
1984 10.4
1985 10.5
1986 10.9
1987 11.2
1988 11.4
1989 11.2
1990 11.4
1991 10.4
1992 10.0
1993 9.8
1994 9.5
1995 9.4
1996 9.7
1997 9.9
1998 9.6
1999 9.4
2000 9.3
2001 8.9
2002 8.7
2003 8.6
2004 8.6
2005 8.3
2006 8.2
2007 8.3
2008 8.3
2009 8.1
2010 8.3
2011 8.3
2012 8.4
2013 8.5
2014 8.8
2015 9.0
2016 9.6
2017 9.5
2018 9.5
2019 9.4

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