My Data Jungle - Economic and Social Indicators

Coverage collective bargaining   2006 - 2013

Description The collective bargaining coverage rate conveys the number of employees whose pay and/or conditions of employment are determined by one or more collective agreement(s) as a percentage of the total number of employees. Collective bargaining coverage includes, to the extent possible, workers covered by collective agreements in virtue of their extension. Collective bargaining coverage rates are adjusted for the possibility that some workers do not have the right to bargain collectively over wages (e.g. workers in the public services who have their wages determined by state regulation or other methods involving consultation), unless otherwise stated in the notes.
Unit of measure %
2006 16.10
2008 22.30
2009 23.40
2010 26.70
2011 32.60
2012 39.30
2013 40.60

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