My Data Jungle - Economic and Social Indicators

Income share held by third 20%   1991 - 2016

Description Percentage share of income or consumption is the share that accrues to subgroups of population indicated by deciles or quintiles. Percentage shares by quintile may not sum to 100 because of rounding.
Unit of measure %
1991 17.2
1992 17.2
1993 17.2
1994 17.5
1995 17.6
1996 17.6
1997 17.5
1998 17.5
1999 17.3
2000 17.4
2001 17.0
2002 17.1
2003 17.1
2004 17.0
2005 16.8
2006 16.8
2007 16.8
2008 16.8
2009 17.0
2010 17.1
2011 17.0
2012 17.0
2013 17.0
2014 17.1
2015 17.0
2016 17.1

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