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Global ranking - Use of IMF credit   2022

Description Use of IMF Credit: Data related to the operations of the IMF are provided by the IMF Treasurer’s Department. They are converted from special drawing rights into dollars using end-of-period exchange rates for stocks and average-over-the-period exchange rates for flows. IMF trust fund operations under the Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility, Extended Fund Facility, Poverty Reduction and Growth Facility, and Structural Adjustment Facility (Enhanced Structural Adjustment Facility in 1999) are presented together with all of the IMF’s special facilities (buffer stock, supplemental reserve, compensatory and contingency facilities, oil facilities, and other facilities). SDR allocations are also included in this category. According to the BPM6, SDR allocations are recorded as the incurrence of a debt liability of the member receiving them (because of a requirement to repay the allocation in certain circumstances, and also because interest accrues). This debt item is introduced for the first time this year with historical data starting in 1999.
Unit of measure $
Aggregate operator Average
Argentina 52,289,985,534
China 48,184,738,416
Russian Federation 24,007,648,359
India 22,022,564,456
Egypt 21,752,962,126
Brazil 17,926,915,384
Mexico 15,163,124,182
Ukraine 14,434,274,284
Pakistan 11,521,584,290

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