My Data Jungle - Economic and Social Indicators

Pregnant women receiving prenatal care   1992 - 2018

Description Pregnant women receiving prenatal care are the percentage of women attended at least once during pregnancy by skilled health personnel for reasons related to pregnancy.
Unit of measure %
1992 69.7
1993 72.2
1994 76.3
1995 78.7
1996 83.7
1997 85.9
1998 87.1
1999 89.3
2000 89.4
2001 90.3
2002 90.1
2003 88.9
2004 89.7
2005 89.8
2006 89.7
2007 90.9
2008 91.0
2009 92.2
2010 94.1
2011 93.7
2012 95.0
2013 95.6
2014 96.2
2015 96.5
2016 96.6
2018 99.6

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